Tuesday, January 9, 2007



The alarm goes off....but it wasn't by my clock, but the instant jolt of waking up. Ahhh....the joy of school. Waking up at 5am to go to work then to school. As I was getting ready to leave my room I turned all the lights off and headed out, but then realized that the light switch for the laundry room was on the other side. (Great, Andy!) So I stumbled blindly through the room using my powers of memory to make sure I don't run into our new dryer in the room.(Mom would pounce on me if she found out there was a mark on the dryer) As I walking through the room for some reason I thought about how blind people might feel because I could not see a thing. Finalily, I made it through the room..... after about 5min.
I had a yummy breakfast of eggs and toast and packed my lunch for another exciting day of whatever! I go outside around 5:20am to go start my car and what do I find cat prints all over the hood of my car. Frustrated, I took like 7 seconds wiping them all off. (What a waste of time). I go back inside and finished up grabing odds and ends (Like my CD collection! I can't leave home without it!)
Then my dad comes out and says, the most robust and amazing thing all morning. "Hey Andy", that sounds like Big Foot in a cave.....whatever that means. I respond likewise.

http://www.purevolume.com/paramore- Check this band out!

I clock in at work and get to work...........and work.......(you don't want to hear about this). Ok well I basicly spent the better part of the morning stuffing vent seals into tube retainers and then stuffing tubes in those. (See, I knew you didn't want to hear this) :) Then Steve shows up around 8am and we get into our regular time of talking about everything! From what color socks I am wearing to school and Hawaii! We talk while we rebuild sprayers....

I leave and tell Steve "Hey change the date on this time clock is says it is still November!" (I think, he was still trying to figure out why I was leaving so soon when class didn't start till 11, whatever)

http://www.purevolume.com/relientk -Check out Relient K's new song!

I arrive at the lovely place I like to call Skull(I mean, school) and see a very fond sight, an open parking space. I then remembered that I had not got my goggles for chemistry class. So I briskly walk to the book store and buy some for 5.75. (What! 6 bucks!)
I then head to class and wait around outside for like ten mintues as the class before mine is still in progress and teacher is going on and on..........(I sat ouside the room admiring the weird notes all over the walls. I noticed a cool note that said, "Duck tape=The Force, it has a dark side and a light side and holds the world together one piece at a time" or something like that. Can't remember. )
By this time, the doors had opened so I was allowed into the class room awaiting my doom to follow.
We met our new teacher who seemed ok I think, just a little crazy about safety in the lab.

Final class lets out with my brain hurting or maybe that was my stomach, I don't remember. Anyways, I was starving, so I go to the cafeteria and gracefully yet with speed I eat my sandwiches humbly. :) I get a quick 25 mintue break and then it is back into class with more chemistry.

Round 2! Now it is lab time and the first 45mintues could put anyone to sleep as she goes over where things are and guess what, more safety. Oh well. We get down to the experiments and there are like 5 we had to do, but my team finished them! Yes! Alot of weighing and water tests and....At the end of our last experiment our teacher writes on the board a really confusing note that throws my group into a loop and we are all over the papers trying to figure out what going on. It took like 30 mintues trying to figure out what test went where and what measurement and all that. We were the last ones to leave at.............3:40.

I pull into the house. Tired........
Go into my room and stare at the wall for like 15mintues. Finaly I read for little bit and by this time everyone has left for puppet practice.

I awake ready to go to the club. So I go to club and work out for little bit and watch some people play basketball and raquetball who are really good! I do a stair climber thing for 10 mintues and by that time my legs are numb....so i went home.

Found my here, typing the words "found me here typing the words"....this is one of those things that could go on and on....I think.

I got to go!

Hey take it easy all! Enjoy Tuesdays because they are not Mondays! Make sure you tip your waiters and waitresses! :0


Natalie said...

It was fun reading about your day, Andy! Will you have to get up that early to go to work everyday?

Davy said...

I commend you for documenting with such detail; don't we wish we all did that. And don't I wish that I also exercised...

Hey, thank you, Andy, for showing up last night; you are the glue that holds this band together. Keep writing songs; yours was certainly a competent effort.